Source code for crazyhusk.config

"""Object wrappers for working with Unreal Engine config files."""

# Standard Library
import configparser
import re


[docs]class UnrealConfigError(Exception): """Custom exception representing errors encountered with Unreal config files."""
[docs]class UnrealConfigParser(configparser.RawConfigParser): """Object wrapper representing a configuration stack.""" RE_OPTION_SPECIALCHARS = re.compile(r"^([+-.!])") def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize a new UnrealConfigParser.""" super().__init__(strict=False)
[docs] def optionxform(self, optionstr: str) -> str: """Transform the string used by ConfigParsers for use with key expression of options.""" return UnrealConfigParser.RE_OPTION_SPECIALCHARS.sub("", optionstr)