Source code for crazyhusk.project

"""Object wrappers for Unreal projects."""

# Future Standard Library
from __future__ import annotations

# Standard Library
import glob
import json
import os
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Union

    # Standard Library
    from importlib.metadata import entry_points  # type:ignore
except ImportError:
    # Third Party
    from importlib_metadata import entry_points  # type:ignore

# CrazyHusk
from import Buildable
from crazyhusk.code import CodeTemplate
from crazyhusk.config import CONFIG_CATEGORIES, UnrealConfigParser
from crazyhusk.engine import UnrealEngine
from crazyhusk.module import ModuleDescriptor
from crazyhusk.plugin import PluginReferenceDescriptor, UnrealPlugin

__all__ = ["UnrealProject"]

class UnrealProjectError(Exception):
    """Custom exception representing errors encountered with UnrealProject."""

class ProjectDescriptor(object):
    """Object wrapper representation of a uproject file, equivalent to serialization method used with FProjectDescriptor.

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.engine_association: Optional[str] = None
        self.category: str = ""
        self.description: str = ""
        self.disable_engine_plugins_by_default: bool = False
        self.is_enterprise_project: bool = False
        self.epic_sample_name_hash: Optional[str] = None
        self.post_build_steps: Optional[List[Any]] = None
        self.pre_build_steps: Optional[List[Any]] = None
        self.target_platforms: List[Any] = []
        self.__plugins: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
        self.__modules: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Python interpreter representation of ProjectDescriptor."""
        return f"<ProjectDescriptor {self.description}>"

    def modules(self) -> Iterable[Union[ModuleDescriptor, Dict[str, Any]]]:
        for module in self.__modules:
            yield ModuleDescriptor.to_object(module)

    def plugins(self) -> Iterable[Union[PluginReferenceDescriptor, Dict[str, Any]]]:
        for plugin in self.__plugins:
            yield PluginReferenceDescriptor.to_object(plugin)

    def to_object(dct: Dict[str, Any]) -> Union[ProjectDescriptor, Dict[str, Any]]:
        descriptor = ProjectDescriptor()
        descriptor.engine_association = dct.get("EngineAssociation")
        descriptor.category = dct.get("Category", "")
        descriptor.description = dct.get("Description", "")
        descriptor.disable_engine_plugins_by_default = dct.get(
            "DisableEnginePluginsByDefault", False
        descriptor.is_enterprise_project = dct.get("IsEnterpriseProject", False)
        descriptor.epic_sample_name_hash = dct.get("EpicSampleNameHash")
        descriptor.post_build_steps = dct.get("PostBuildSteps")
        descriptor.pre_build_steps = dct.get("PreBuildSteps")
        descriptor.target_platforms = dct.get("TargetPlatforms", [])
        descriptor.__plugins = dct.get("Plugins", [])
        descriptor.__modules = dct.get("Modules", [])

        if descriptor.is_valid():
            return descriptor
        return dct

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        return {
            "EngineAssociation": self.engine_association,
            "Category": self.category,
            "Description": self.description,
            "DisableEnginePluginsByDefault": self.disable_engine_plugins_by_default,
            "IsEnterpriseProject": self.is_enterprise_project,
            "EpicSampleNameHash": self.epic_sample_name_hash,
            "PostBuildSteps": self.post_build_steps,
            "PreBuildSteps": self.pre_build_steps,
            "TargetPlatforms": self.target_platforms,
            "Modules": list(self.modules),
            "Plugins": list(self.plugins),

    def is_valid(self) -> bool:
        return self.engine_association is not None

    def add_module(self, module: ModuleDescriptor) -> None:
        if not isinstance(module, ModuleDescriptor):
            raise NotImplementedError()

    def add_plugin(self, plugin: PluginReferenceDescriptor) -> None:
        if not isinstance(plugin, PluginReferenceDescriptor):
            raise NotImplementedError()

[docs]class UnrealProject(Buildable): """Object wrapper representation of an Unreal Engine project.""" def __init__(self, project_file: str) -> None: """Initialize a new instance of UnrealProject.""" self.project_file: str = project_file str = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(project_file))[0] self.__descriptor: Optional[ProjectDescriptor] = None self.__engine: Optional[UnrealEngine] = None self.__modules: Optional[Dict[str, ModuleDescriptor]] = None self.__plugins: Optional[Dict[str, UnrealPlugin]] = None self.__code_templates: Optional[Dict[str, CodeTemplate]] = None def __repr__(self) -> str: """Python interpreter representation.""" return f"<UnrealProject {} at {self.project_file}>" @property def code_templates(self) -> Dict[str, CodeTemplate]: """Get a mapping of this UnrealProject's available C++ code templates.""" if self.__code_templates is None: self.__code_templates = {} items = [] # type: List[Union[UnrealProject,UnrealEngine,UnrealPlugin]] if self.engine is not None: items.append(self.engine) if self.engine.plugins is not None and len(self.engine.plugins): items.append(*self.engine.plugins.values()) items.append(self) if self.plugins is not None and len(self.plugins): items.append(*self.plugins.values()) for entry_point in entry_points().get("crazyhusk.code.listers", []): for item in items: for template in entry_point.load()(item): self.__code_templates[] = template return self.__code_templates @property def descriptor(self) -> Optional[ProjectDescriptor]: """Get an instance of this UnrealProject's associated ProjectDescriptor.""" if self.__descriptor is None: self.validate() with open(self.project_file, encoding="utf-8") as json_project_file: self.__descriptor = json.load( json_project_file, object_hook=ProjectDescriptor.to_object ) return self.__descriptor @property def engine(self) -> Optional[UnrealEngine]: """Get the associated UnrealEngine object for this Buildable.""" if self.__engine is None: if self.descriptor is not None and self.descriptor.engine_association == "": self.__engine = UnrealEngine( os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self.project_file, "..", "..")), "" ) elif ( self.descriptor is not None and self.descriptor.engine_association is not None ): self.__engine = UnrealEngine.find_engine( self.descriptor.engine_association ) return self.__engine @engine.setter def engine(self, new_engine: Union[UnrealEngine, str]) -> None: """Set the associated UnrealEngine object for this Buildable.""" if not isinstance(new_engine, UnrealEngine): self.__engine = UnrealEngine.find_engine(new_engine) else: self.__engine = new_engine @property def project_dir(self) -> str: """Get the base directory for .uproject file.""" return os.path.dirname(self.project_file) @property def config_dir(self) -> str: """Get the project's Config directory.""" return os.path.join(self.project_dir, "Config") @property def content_dir(self) -> str: """Get the project's Content directory.""" return os.path.join(self.project_dir, "Content") @property def plugins_dir(self) -> str: """Get the project's Plugins directory.""" return os.path.join(self.project_dir, "Plugins") @property def modules(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, ModuleDescriptor]]: """Get a mapping of this UnrealProject's associated ModuleDescriptors.""" if self.__modules is None: if self.descriptor is not None: self.__modules = { module for module in self.descriptor.modules if isinstance(module, ModuleDescriptor) and is not None } return self.__modules @property def plugins(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, UnrealPlugin]]: """Get a mapping of the available plugins installed with this UnrealProject.""" if self.__plugins is None: if self.engine is None: self.__plugins = {} else: self.__plugins = deepcopy(self.engine.plugins) for _root, _dirs, _files in os.walk(self.plugins_dir): for _file in _files: if os.path.splitext(_file)[-1] == ".uplugin": plugin = UnrealPlugin(os.path.join(_root, _file)) if self.__plugins is not None and is not None: self.__plugins[] = plugin break return self.__plugins @property def saved_dir(self) -> str: """Get the project's Saved directory.""" return os.path.join(self.project_dir, "Saved") @property def reports_dir(self) -> str: """Get the project's default Reports directory.""" return os.path.join(self.project_dir, "Saved", "Reports") # crazyhusk.code.listers
[docs] @staticmethod def list_project_code_templates(project: UnrealProject) -> Iterable[CodeTemplate]: """Iterate over a given UnrealProject's available C++ code templates.""" if isinstance(project, UnrealProject): for template_filename in glob.iglob( os.path.join(project.content_dir, "Editor", "Templates", "*.template") ): with open( template_filename, encoding="utf-8", ) as _template_file: yield CodeTemplate( os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(template_filename)[0]),, )
# crazyhusk.project.validators
[docs] @staticmethod def project_file_exists(project: UnrealProject) -> None: """Raise exception if UnrealProject instance is not available on disk.""" if not isinstance(project, UnrealProject): raise TypeError( f"Must provide an instance of crazyhusk.project.UnrealProject, got: {project!r}" ) if not os.path.isfile(project.project_file): raise UnrealProjectError( f"Specified project file does not exist at {project.project_file}." )
[docs] @staticmethod def valid_project_file_extension(project: UnrealProject) -> None: """Raise exception if UnrealProject instance does not have the correct file extension.""" if not isinstance(project, UnrealProject): raise TypeError( f"Must provide an instance of crazyhusk.project.UnrealProject, got: {project!r}" ) if not os.path.splitext(project.project_file)[-1] == ".uproject": raise UnrealProjectError(f"Not a uproject file: {project.project_file}")
[docs] def config( self, config_category: Optional[str] = None, platform: Optional[str] = None ) -> UnrealConfigParser: """Create a configuration object associated with this project by category and platform.""" _config = UnrealConfigParser() if isinstance(self.engine, UnrealEngine): self.engine.validate(), platform)), platform)) return _config
[docs] def config_files( self, config_category: Optional[str] = None, platform: Optional[str] = None ) -> Iterable[str]: """Iterate configuration file paths associated with this project by category and platform.""" if config_category in CONFIG_CATEGORIES: yield os.path.join(self.config_dir, f"Default{config_category}.ini") if platform is not None: yield os.path.join( self.config_dir, platform, f"{platform}{config_category}.ini" )
[docs] def get_build_command( self, target: Optional[str] = None, configuration: Optional[str] = None, platform: Optional[str] = None, *extra_switches: str, **extra_parameters: str, ) -> Iterable[str]: """Iterate strings of subprocess arguments to execute the build.""" if self.engine is None: raise UnrealProjectError( f"Could not resolve an associated UnrealEngine for project: {self!r}" ) ubt_path = self.engine.executable_path("UnrealBuildTool") if ubt_path is None: raise UnrealProjectError( f"Could not resolve a valid path to UnrealBuildTool for project: {self!r}" ) yield ubt_path yield configuration or "" yield platform or "" switches = {"Progress", "WaitMutex", "NoHotReloadFromIDE"} | set(extra_switches) parameters: Dict[str, str] = { "Project": self.project_file, "TargetType": target or "", } parameters.update(**extra_parameters) for arg in UnrealEngine.format_commandline_options(*switches, **parameters): yield arg
[docs] def is_buildable(self) -> bool: """Get whether this object is buildable in its current configuration.""" return self.engine is not None # TODO: check for .Target.cs files
[docs] def list_tests( self, editor: bool = True, *extra_switches: str, **extra_parameters: str ) -> int: """List available automation tests for this project.""" switches = { "buildmachine", "unattended", "nopause", "nullrhi", "stdout", "nosplash", } | set(extra_switches) if editor: switches.add("editortest") else: switches.add("game") params = { "ExecCmds": "Automation List; quit", "TestExit": "Automation Test Queue Empty", } params.update(extra_parameters) if self.engine is not None: editor_cmd_path = self.engine.executable_path("UE4Editor-Cmd") if editor_cmd_path is not None: with self.engine: return editor_cmd_path, f'"{self.project_file}"', *UnrealEngine.format_commandline_options(*switches, **params), ) return -1
[docs] def render( self, map_path: str, LevelSequence: str, vsync: bool = False, *extra_switches: str, **extra_parameters: str, ) -> int: """Run this project in movie scene capture mode.""" switches = { "game", "noloadingscreen", "unattended", "nopause", "noscreenmessages", "stdout", "nosplash", } | set(extra_switches) if vsync: switches.add("VSync") else: switches.add("NoVSync") params = { "LevelSequence": LevelSequence, "MovieCinematicMode": "yes", "MovieSceneCaptureType": "/Script/MovieSceneCapture.AutomatedLevelSequenceCapture", } params.update(extra_parameters) for entry_point in entry_points().get("crazyhusk.render.validators", []): entry_point.load()(*switches, **params) if self.engine is not None: editor_cmd_path = self.engine.executable_path("UE4Editor-Cmd") if editor_cmd_path is not None: with self.engine: return editor_cmd_path, f'"{self.project_file}"', map_path, *UnrealEngine.format_commandline_options(*switches, **params), ) return -1
[docs] def run_tests( self, tests: List[str], report_path: Optional[str] = None, editor: bool = True, rhi: str = "nullrhi", *extra_switches: str, **extra_parameters: str, ) -> int: """Run named automation tests for this project.""" if report_path is None: report_path = self.reports_dir switches = { rhi, "buildmachine", "unattended", "nopause", "stdout", "nosplash", } | set(extra_switches) if editor: switches.add("editortest") else: switches.add("game") params = { "ExecCmds": "Automation RunTests " + "+".join(tests) + "; quit", "TestExit": "Automation Test Queue Empty", "ReportOutputPath": report_path, } params.update(extra_parameters) if self.engine is not None: editor_cmd_path = self.engine.executable_path("UE4Editor-Cmd") if editor_cmd_path is not None: with self.engine: return editor_cmd_path, f'"{self.project_file}"', *UnrealEngine.format_commandline_options(*switches, **params), ) return -1
[docs] def unreal_path_to_file_path( self, unreal_path: str, ext: str = ".uasset" ) -> Optional[str]: """Convert an Unreal object path to a file path relative to this project.""" path_split = unreal_path.split("/") if len(path_split) < 3: raise UnrealProjectError(f"Can't resolve Unreal path: {unreal_path}") mount = path_split[1] if mount == "Game": return os.path.join(self.content_dir, *path_split[2:]) + ext if mount == "Engine": if not isinstance(self.engine, UnrealEngine): raise UnrealProjectError( f"Can't resolve Unreal path: {unreal_path} - could not resolve associated UnrealEngine." ) return os.path.join(self.engine.content_dir, *path_split[2:]) + ext if self.plugins is not None and mount in self.plugins: return self.plugins[mount].unreal_path_to_file_path(unreal_path, ext) raise UnrealProjectError( f"Can't resolve Unreal path: {unreal_path} - could not find plugin or feature pack mount {mount}." )
[docs] def unreal_path_from_file_path(self, file_path: str) -> Optional[str]: """Convert a file path to an appropriate Unreal object path for use with this project.""" if ( os.path.commonpath([os.path.realpath(file_path), self.content_dir]) == self.content_dir ): sub_path = ( os.path.splitext(os.path.realpath(file_path))[0] .split(self.content_dir)[1][1:] .replace(os.sep, "/") ) return f"/Game/{sub_path}" if ( isinstance(self.engine, UnrealEngine) and os.path.commonpath( [os.path.realpath(file_path), self.engine.content_dir] ) == self.engine.content_dir ): sub_path = ( os.path.splitext(os.path.realpath(file_path))[0] .split(self.engine.content_dir)[1][1:] .replace(os.sep, "/") ) return f"/Engine/{sub_path}" if self.plugins is not None: for plugin in self.plugins.values(): unreal_path = plugin.unreal_path_from_file_path(file_path) if unreal_path is not None: return unreal_path return None
[docs] def validate(self) -> None: """Raise exceptions if this instance is misconfigured.""" for entry_point in entry_points().get("crazyhusk.project.validators", []): entry_point.load()(self)